State Mandates for EPCS and Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs

When it comes to electronic prescribing and the electronic prescribing of controlled substances, one of the most challenging aspects is staying up to date on the laws in your state.

As ePrescribing solutions advance and states seek ways to decrease prescription drug abuse, the laws can evolve pretty quickly. We’ve assembled this page to provide useful definitions and as a convenient reference with quick links to laws published directly by your state that could relate to ePrescribing or PDMP.

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icon--prescription-rx__blue Manage your electronic prescriptions remotely
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icon--cloud-tech__blue Prevent duplicate data and maintain clean patient records
icon--prescription-rx__blue Manage your electronic prescriptions remotely
icon--medical-symbol__blue Reduce pharmacy callbacks and meet patient needs

Federal Law vs State Law

Generally speaking, state law tends to be more nuanced and detailed than federal law when it comes to electronic prescribing. One state might require all prescriptions to be electronic, regardless of the type of medication, while another state might limit their mandate to electronic prescribing for controlled substances (EPCS) for certain or all controlled substances as defined by the DEA schedule. Federal law impacts providers who participate in Medicare Part D by mandating EPCS among that group.



While related to ePrescribing, PDMP and PMP are not synonymous with ePrescribing.  Instead, they tend to refer to state-run databases that track when controlled prescriptions are provided to individuals.  Some states prefer the acronym “PDMP” (Prescription Drug Monitoring Program). Some prefer “PMP” (Prescription Monitoring Program), and others instead use state-branded names such as E-FORCSE® in Florida. Regardless of the name, they all refer to a a state’s centralized controlled substance prescription history database. Many states have requirements for providers to check the relevant PDMP database before prescribing - regardless of whether the prescription is electronic or traditional.



We do not provide legal guidance, and this page is not legal guidance. The summaries and links below could change based on many factors, so please rely only on the info directly on your state’s site for updates. Based on information available as of November 7, 2023.


Alabama Alabama does not currently mandate ePrescribing. However, it does require the use of the state’s PDMP program.
Alaska Alaska does not currently mandate ePrescribing. However, it does require the use of the state’s PDMP program.
Arizona As of July 9, 2021, Arizona requires that all Schedule II drugs be prescribed electronically and, before prescribing an opioid analgesic or benzodiazepine controlled substance listed in Schedule II, III, or IV, prescribers must check the CSPMP. 
Arkansas As of January 1, 2022, prescribers must electronically prescribe any Schedule II-VI controlled substance and submit that information to the Arkansas prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP)


As of January 1, 2022, all prescriptions issued by a licensed healthcare practitioner to a California pharmacy must be submitted electronically. Prescribers are also required to use the state's PDMP prior to prescribing all opioids.
Colorado As of July 1, 2023, Colorado requires that all medical practitioners, including dentists, prescribe all Schedule II-IV controlled substances electronically. 
Connecticut As of January 1, 2018, Connecticut requires that any prescription for controlled substances be prescribed electronically and to check the Connecticut CPMRS prior to prescribing any controlled substance.
Delaware As of January 1, 2021, Delaware requires that all prescriptions be electronically prescribed. Further, prescribers must report all schedule II, III, IV, and V controlled substances to Delaware’s PMP database. 


As of July 1, 2021 Florida requires that all prescriptions be electronically prescribed. Further, dispensers must report all schedule II, III, IV, and V controlled substances to Florida’s E-FORCSE® prescription drug database.
Georgia Georgia does not currently mandate ePrescribing. However, it does require the use of the state’s PDMP program.
Hawaii Hawaii does not currently mandate ePrescribing. However, it does require the use of the state’s PDMP program.
Idaho Idaho does not currently mandate ePrescribing. However, it does require the use of the state’s PDMP program.
Illinois As of January 1, 2024, Illinois requires that all schedule II-V controlled substances be prescribed electronically. Further, prescribers are required to check the Illinois PMP when prescribing Schedule 2 narcotics.
Indiana As of December 31, 2021, Indiana requires that all prescriptions be electronically prescribed. Further, prescribers are required to submit data regarding controlled substances to the Indiana PMP.
Iowa As of January 1, 2020 Iowa requires that all prescriptions be electronically prescribed. Further, dispensers are required to report all Schedule II, III, IV and V controlled substances and opioid antagonists as well as all OTC (non-prescription) Schedule V (e.g., codeine containing cough syrups) to Iowa’s PMP.
Kansas As of July 1, 2021, Kansas requires that all prescriptions for controlled substances that contain an opioid be electronically prescribed. There is currently no mandate for use of the PDMP.
Kentucky As of January 1, 2021, Kentucky requires that all prescriptions for controlled substances be electronically prescribed. Further, prescribers are required to submit data regarding controlled substances to the Kentucky PDMP.
Louisiana Louisiana does not currently mandate ePrescribing. However, it does require the use of the state’s PDMP program.
Maine As of July 1, 2017, Maine prescribers are required to electronically transmit prescriptions for Schedule II-IV controlled substances that contain opioids. Prescribers are also required to check the Maine Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PMP) prior to writing specific prescriptions for controlled substances. 
Maryland As of January 1, 2023, Maryland prescribers are required to electronically transmit prescriptions for controlled dangerous substances. Prescribers are also required to check the Maryland Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) prior to writing specific prescriptions for controlled substances. 
Massachusetts As of January 1, 2021, Massachusetts requires that all controlled substances must be prescribed electronically. Further, prescribers are also required to complete prescription history checks through the Massachusetts Prescription Awareness Tool (MassPAT). 
Michigan As of January 1, 2023, Michigan requires all prescriptions be transmitted electronically. Further, prescribers are also required to complete prescription history checks through the Michigan Automated Prescription System (MAPS) before dispensing or prescribing opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, or carisoprodol.
Minnesota As of January 1, 2011, Minnesota requires all prescriptions be electronically. Further, prescribers are required to submit data regarding controlled substances to the Minnesota PDMP.
Mississippi Mississippi does not currently mandate ePrescribing. However, it does require the use of the state’s PDMP program.
Missouri As of January 1, 2021, Missouri requires electronic prescriptions for Schedule II-IV controlled substances.
Missouri is on track for a statewide PDMP, though no go-live date has been set.
Montana Montana does not currently mandate ePrescriptions nor does it require the use of a PDMP.
Nebraska As of January 1, 2024, Nebraska mandates that all controlled substances must be prescribed electronically. There is not currently a mandate regarding the use of the state’s PDMP.
Nevada As of January 1, 2021, Nevada mandates that all controlled substances must be prescribed electronically and that those prescriptions be checked in Nevada’s PDMP.
New Hampshire As of January 1, 2022, New Hampshire mandates that all controlled substances must be prescribed electronically and that those prescriptions be checked in New Hampshire’s PDMP.

New Jersey

New Jersey does not currently mandate ePrescribing. However, it does require the use of the state’s PDMP program.
New Mexico As of April 1, 2021, New Mexico mandates that all controlled substances must be prescribed electronically and that those prescriptions be checked in New Mexico’s PDMP.
New York As of March 27, 2016, New York mandates the electronic prescribing of all prescription drugs. Further, New York requires that dispensers submit data regarding controlled substances to the New York PDMP.
North Carolina As of January 1, 2020, North Carolina STOP Act mandates all prescriptions for all Schedule II and Schedule III opioids and narcotics be ePrescribed. Further, North Carolina requires that dispensers submit data regarding controlled substances to the North Carolina PDMP.

North Dakota

North Dakota does not currently mandate ePrescribing. However, it does require the use of the state’s PDMP program.
Ohio As of September 23, 2022, Ohio mandates that all Schedule II controlled substances be electronically prescribed. Further, Ohio requires that dispensers submit data regarding controlled substances to the Ohio PDMP.
Oklahoma As of January 1, 2020, Oklahoma mandates that all Schedule II through V controlled substances be electronically prescribed. Further, Oklahoma requires that dispensers submit data regarding controlled substances to the Oklahoma PDMP.
Oregon Oregon does not currently mandate ePrescriptions nor does it require the use of a PDMP.
Pennsylvania As of October 24, 2019, Pennsylvania requires that all Schedule II through V controlled substances be electronically prescribed. Further, Pennsylvania requires that dispensers submit data regarding controlled substances to the Pennsylvania PDMP.
Rhode Island As of January 1, 2020 Rhode Island requires that Schedule II-V controlled substances be electronically prescribed. Further, Rhode Island requires that dispensers submit data regarding controlled substances to the Rhode Island PDMP.
South Carolina As of January 1, 2021, South Carolina requires that any prescription containing opiates or Schedule II-V controlled substances be prescribed electronically and to be recorded and reported to the DHEC via South Carolina’s SCRIPTS program.
South Dakota South Dakota does not currently mandate ePrescribing. However, it does require the use of the state’s PDMP program.
Tennessee As of January 1, 2021, Tennessee requires that all controlled substances be electronically prescribed. Further, Tennessee requires that dispensers submit data regarding controlled substances to the Tennessee PDMP.
Texas As of Jan 1, 2021 Texas required all controlled substances be electronically prescribed. All prescribers and pharmacists must also check a patient's prescription history through the Texas PMP before prescribing or dispensing controlled substances.
Utah As of January 1, 2022, Utah requires all controlled substances be electronically prescribed. Further, Utah requires that dispensers submit data regarding controlled substances to the Utah PDMP.
Vermont Vermont does not currently mandate ePrescribing. However, it does require the use of the state’s PDMP program.
Virginia As of July 1, 2020, Virginia requires that any prescription containing opiates be prescribed electronically and prescribers must check the Virginia PMP prior to prescribing opioids.
Washington As of September 30, 2021, Washington requires that all controlled substances be electronically prescribed. Further, Washington requires that dispensers submit data regarding controlled substances to the Washington PDMP.
West Virginia West Virginia does not currently mandate ePrescribing. However, it does require the use of the state’s PDMP program.
Wisconsin Wisconsin does not currently mandate ePrescribing. However, it does require the use of the state’s PDMP program.
Wyoming As of January 1, 2021, Wyoming requires that all controlled substances be prescribed electronically. Further, Wyoming also requires that those controlled substances be checked in the state’s PDMP.

Monitoring EPCS and PDMP Requirements is Vital to the Safety of Your Patients and Practice. 

If your dental or medical practice is in a state where ePrescribing is required by law, or where you are working with a patient population utilizing Medicare Part D, then you likely have a strong legal incentive to electronically prescribe. 

ePrescribing Improves Clinical Workflow and Patient Outcomes - Regardless of the Law. 

If your state does NOT currently require electronic prescriptions, you might be interested to know about the substantial time and cost savings reported to us by thousands of providers who have opted to migrate to electronic prescribing.


With the iCoreConnect team to discuss how iCoreRx, an industry leading ePrescribing software solution with integrated access to state prescription drug monitoring programs can help improve efficiency, accuracy and safety.