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      Pennsylvania Dental Association Endorses iCoreConnect's HIPAA-Compliant Solutions


      "We think you should see for yourself how iCoreConnect can enhance your workflow efficiency, HIPAA-compliant security and practice revenue." 

      D. Scott Aldinger D.D.S.
      Chairman, Pennsylvania Enterprise Resource Corp. (PERC)

      iCoreRx Cloud ePrescription Software

      ePrescribing for All Medications and Prescription History Checks in Pennsylvania

      As of October 2019, Act 96 mandated that ePrescriptions are required for all Schedule II-V controlled substances. Similarly, all prescriptions which require pre-authorization under Medicare Part D must be transmitted electronically.

      Stay on top of these legal requirements with iCoreConnect’s iCoreRx. In addition to meeting these legal requirements, iCoreRx allows you to:

      • ePrescribe controlled substances (EPCS) and other medications from any device, anywhere, with cloud-based software
      • Access the patient’s full prescription history
      • See interactions and contraindications to improve prescription safety

      Autofill important patient information and favorite pharmacies and prescription combinations to improve speed and increase efficiency

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      iCoreExchange Encrypted HIPAA Email

      Sending Protected Health Information (PHI) via email is standard these days. It’s vital to ensure those communications can’t be hacked, phished, or used to launch ransomware attacks to steal data and cripple your practice. iCoreExchange facilitates all that and more.

      • Send any and all PHI, regardless of attachment size, with confidence 
      • Find new referral partners based on patient need through zip code searches
      • Be matched by other providers and receive patient referrals
      • Ensure HIPAA compliant communications that keep data private and secure
      • Block out unsolicited and unrecognized, non-provider senders to secure your inbox

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      iCoreHIPAA Compliance Platform

      Navigating HIPAA requirements and understanding how they impact your practice can be challenging. From policies and procedures to IT security, implementing risk mitigation and remediation efforts takes time and expertise. iCoreHIPAA is the compliance platform that helps you create a plan for your data, patient and practice security.

      With iCoreHIPAA, you can start with the guidance of our easy-to-use, cloud-based software and scale up to complementing services whenever necessary.

      iCoreHIPAA provides:

      • A HIPAA compliance plan tailored to your needs
      • Detailed explanations, definitions and examples to help you understand your security risks
      • An audit-ready final report with recommended, risk-stratified remediation actions
      • Dashboard tools that allow you to assign tasks to team members
      • Guided templates to build policies appropriate to your organization size
      • One secure place to customize and maintain all your agreements
      • Prompts and alerts to ensure policies are current and updated when needed

      Take iCoreHIPAA to the next level with add-on options:

      • Network security support via network vulnerability scans
      • Onsite third party risk assessment and recommendations 

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      Pennsylvania Dental Association Membership Benefits

      PDA endorses iCoreRx, iCoreExchange and iCoreHIPAA.

      iCoreConnect is an PDA endorsed company and offers exclusive discounts on these endorsed services for PDA members!

      If you are not currently a member, your iCoreConnect sales rep would be happy to introduce you to the folks at the PDA.

      iCoreConnect has been intensively vetted and awarded more than 200 association product agreements across our platform. Get in touch today to see why!



      Texas Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) and iCoreRx

      ​In 2020, Texas law required that pharmacists and prescribers check a patient’s PMP history through Texas PMP AWARxE before dispensing or prescribing controlled substances including: opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, or carisoprodol. 

      iCoreRx offers an option to integrate with Texas PMP AWARxE. Streamline the process and improve prescription speed and efficiency while ensuring adherence to Texas law and boosting patient safety. The integration allows prescribers to directly access the patient's PMP report without logging into the Texas PMP site.




      Moving your practice management from a “legacy” hardware system to cloud-based iCoreDental can speed a multitude of operations and help you discover revenue strategies that simply weren’t possible before.

      • Built on the cloud from scratch, with no need to purchase and maintain a server
      • Access patient data anywhere you have internet
      • Expand to multiple locations with ease, allowing staffing flexibility and financial oversight
      • Run insightful reports on virtually every aspect of your business

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