
CDA has chosen iCoreConnect

and negotiated exclusive discounts for CDA members.


"We think you should see for yourself by booking a live demo to truly understand how iCoreConnect can transform the security and productivity of your practice."
Colorado Dental Association
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iCoreRx Electronic Prescribing

Cloud ePrescribing

ePrescribe all meds faster from any device.  Option to connect to Colorado Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PMP).  Watch the video.

Retail 79 / mo.
Member Discount 43%
Member Rate 45 / mo.
Add EPCS 9 / mo.

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iCoreRx Electronic Prescribing


Encrypted HIPAA Email

HIPAA-compliant email where big attachments are no big deal. Watch the video.

Retail 35 / mo.
Member Discount 35%
Member Rate 22.50 / mo.

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- CDA Members Only -

These discounts are exclusively for members verified by the CDA roll. If you are not currently a member, your iCoreConnect sales rep would be happy to introduce you to the folks at CDA.

Arizona Dental Association Perks Endorsed Logo ADS logo California Dental Association Logo California Association of Orthodontists Logo Colorado Dental Association Endorsed Products Logo CTPROP_norm_on_wht_500h Florida Dental Association Services Inc. Crown Savings Logo Georgia Dental Association Logo IL-dental_on_wht Kansas Dental Association Logo Louisiana Dental Association Logo Maine Medical Association Logo Maryland State Dental Association Member Perks Logo Michigan Dental Association Endorsed Logo Mississippi Dental Association Logo Missouri Dental Association Perks Logo Montana Dental Association Logo New York State Dental Association Endorsed Service Logo North Carolina Dental Society Logo OK-Dental_Logo_FS_White Oregon Dental Association Endorsed Program Logo RhodeIsland_Logo_Temp South Carolina Dental Association Logo TN-Dental_norm_on_wht Texas Dental Association Perks Program Logo Virginia Dental Association Member Perks Logo Washington State Dental Association Logo Wyoming Medical Society Logo


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